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There are three levels of governance in Byzantium Novum.
The Imperial level is governed by the Glorious Mesazōn, who is also President of the Senate. This person is Head of State and Government for the restored Empire.
The regional level includes ducates governed by honorable dukes or duchesses, and exarchates (which are like themes, but are in areas in which English language skills are not widespread) governed by honorable exarchs. Within the Empire there are currently three, in order of creation: the Ducate of Anatoliou Pelagous, the Prioratus (Fratrum Domus Hospitalis Sancti Johannis and the Ducate of Magna Finem Imperii.
The local level is comprised of themes governed by honorable strategoi. These are divided into two classes based on size and activity level: major and minor. There are currently four major themes: Megalo-potamia (part of Anatoliou Pelagous), Nova Raska (part of Magna Finem Imperii), Brandenburg7 (part of the Priory) and Nicaea (also part of the Priory).
Minor themes are Prasino Boura and Neophthia (both of which fall under the Ducate of Anatoliou Pelagous), Valentia, Nova Gallica, Noviodunum, Neoaustralia, Colonia Arturi, Magna Lacus, Floribus,
Aquila Fluvium, Magna Germania, Brasilia Augusta, Pergamum, Ascalon, Antiochia, Taurica, Athenae, Hadrianopolis, Sebastopolis, Milētos, Varna, Chalcedon, Ravenna and Tyros.
There are three areas of administration under the Chancellery.
Kleisoura, or garrisons, are local proto-themes administered by Kleisour-arches, or wardens, under the control of and appointed by the Grand Chancellor or a regional governor. There are currently six kleisoura: Saturnia Tellus; Lófokrithía; Hesperia; Anatolia Magna; Gallia Felix; and Wallachia, Dobruja, Moldavia & Transylvania.
Villages are also at the local level, administered by mayors. They are charged to organize local activities. There are currently six villages: Phoinix Aridus, Bergina, Rhomanople, Aquila Nidum, Paradisum, and Roma Quadrata. Mayors report to any regional or local governor or to the Senate through the illustrious Grand Chancellor.
There are currently two imperial estates: Terra Draconis and Marco-mannia, which are administered by the Chancellery.