Religions of the Empire

As during most of Byzantine history, the Byzantine Church has primacy in Byzantium Novum.

The Byzantine Church is being established in the Nova Byzantium forum here.

Those seeking Byzantine Christianity in their area will find Byzantine Orthodox information here: Byzantine Christianity

Although Byzantium was primarily Christian, traditions of ancient religion continued in many forms. Constantinople itself started out as the Classical city of Byzantium, and Constantine himself built the city before he became Christian. Even after the Milvian Bridge, Constantinople was consecrated by both Christian and Classical priesthood equally.

Classical religion continued quietly in Byzantium through all periods, until the fall of Constantinople. The philosopher Gemistus Pletho advocated a return to the ancient faiths in the 1440s, and students of his continued to pray to the ancient Goddesses and Gods. 

In keeping with that history and our policy of religious tolerance, provision has been made for Classical Religion to quietly continue in Byzantium Novum. This is to commemorate the ancient traditions of the West upon which Byzantium was founded.

The forum for Late Classical Religion in Byzantium Novum is here.